Extensive introduction to the network and network interconnection. After introducing the growth and trends of the Internet, the article is divided into five parts: Internet applications and programming, data communications, packet switching of wired and wireless network technologies, including LAN and WAN, and TCP/IP protocols used in the Internet.
The last section will explore network aspects across multiple levels and technologies, including security and network management. This article covers a wide range of topics, including bridging, switching, routing and routing protocols, multimedia protocols and IP telephony, and web browsing.
The sixth edition responds to the suggestions of professors and students and changes in technology. The version includes two new chapters and updates all other chapters. The chapter on software-defined networking introduces the general concepts of OpenFlow. The chapter on the Internet of Things introduces the ZigBee IP protocol for sensors in wireless mesh networks and smart grid applications.
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Internet and TCP/IP Volume 1: Principle Protocol and Architecture, 6th Edition
For anyone who wants to understand Internet technology, a classic reference in this field, Volume One investigates TCP/IP and describes each component. The highly accessible text introduces the scientific principles used in TCP/IP construction and shows how the components are designed to work together. Including detailed information about various protocols such as IPv4 and IPv6, TCP, UDP, DHCP, RIP, OSPF, BGP, ARP, IPv6-ND, etc. It also covers software-defined networking and classification, multi-protocol label switching (MPLS), virtual private network (VPN) and network address translation (NAT) technologies.
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